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Measure and Conquer! What do you need to measure in an e-commerce?

Measure and Conquer! What do you need to measure in an e-commerce?

Online sales have had a great rebound from COVID-19, according to AMVO data in July refer to an increase of 94.6%, compared to 2019, in addition to that, two out of 10 people plan to make more online purchases, so not to leave home.

Faced with the growth of e-commerce in all kinds of categories, companies of any size or line of business cannot stay out of knowing what their customers want and for this they need to measure everything says, “online purchase”.

For this, they must take into account the “customer journey”, that is, the stages from when they discover that they have a need, look for information, enter an online store, acquire the product, receive it and the satisfaction process after the purchase.

However, one of the biggest challenges in obtaining these metrics is to be very clear about the objectives to be met by the company to collect the data that is truly useful, and that has quality. At the same time, the client’s objectives must be taken into account.

The base model for this is an adaptation to the one created by Avinash Kaushik -one of the pioneers of Google’s digital marketing– which focuses on the user’s intention for brands to measure all actions quickly and intelligently in four stages which the consumer goes:

  1. Inspiration – Give them relevant content through various channels. Business requires communicating ideas, getting noticed, being available and helping customers solve their needs.
  2. Research – Consumers look for prices, process characteristics, payment facilities, delivery times, etc.
  3. Purchase – They carry out the transaction.
  4. Service – Assistance after purchase to satisfy customers.

Each of the stages has its own metrics, and it is important that the company defines the ones that interest it most within the “hard” type (hard data behavior) and how it will complement the information with the “soft” ones, those qualitative They show the consumer’s attitude (opinion, perception) and that they are obtained through surveys to understand the user.

However, the data-based marketing cycle is made up not only of measurement and analysis (study and discover), as it must be activated, having the business objective as its center. Questions such as what gaps are generated, what do we stop selling and why, what is the mix of products that customers buy, must make a match with the data obtained.

The important thing is that data is an asset for companies when used to make decisions, instead of being a liability, and maintaining its quality is not a one-time task.

Finally, there are some of the recommended tools to obtain the metrics such as: e-commerce managers, advertising platforms, website analysis, search optimization (SEO), testing and personalization. Also, I advise using a data viewer with the most important indicators for your e-commerce to quickly understand the information and focus perhaps on 2 or 3 metrics per stage.

Specifically, the metrics serve to understand what your customer values, what they prefer and what are the effective means or messages that help to achieve that sale. The answers lie in your own e-commerce data.


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